Q: What is foreclusure?
A: "The bank cannot come and kick you out of your house without first going through the process of law which, in this case, we call the process of the foreclosure. However, if you ignore the initial foreclosure documents and don't seek the proper assistance of qualified counsel, then there is a likelihood that the case may be closed without you knowing. In that case, the bank can come with the proper documentation and proper authority to kick you out. However, without getting to the end of the foreclosure case, they cannot just kick you out of your home."
A: "The bank cannot come and kick you out of your house without first going through the process of law which, in this case, we call the process of the foreclosure. However, if you ignore the initial foreclosure documents and don't seek the proper assistance of qualified counsel, then there is a likelihood that the case may be closed without you knowing. In that case, the bank can come with the proper documentation and proper authority to kick you out. However, without getting to the end of the foreclosure case, they cannot just kick you out of your home."