Q: What are the advantages of getting a loan modification?
A: "When you modify the loan, typically what you're looking to do is change the interest rate to a lower interest rate, extend the time frame to repay this loan, or to lower the principle balance. Obviously, if you do any one of those three things, by lowering the interest rate, you're going to lower your monthly payment, by extending the time frame, you're going to obviously lower your monthly payment, or by reducing the principle balance, you're likewise going to lower your monthly payment. The advantages in doing a loan modification really are making your home more affordable to be able to have more liquid capital to do other things in life."
A: "When you modify the loan, typically what you're looking to do is change the interest rate to a lower interest rate, extend the time frame to repay this loan, or to lower the principle balance. Obviously, if you do any one of those three things, by lowering the interest rate, you're going to lower your monthly payment, by extending the time frame, you're going to obviously lower your monthly payment, or by reducing the principle balance, you're likewise going to lower your monthly payment. The advantages in doing a loan modification really are making your home more affordable to be able to have more liquid capital to do other things in life."